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Welcome to Music Gods

nft based revenue share
like no other!

Hybrid Revenue Streams Reliable Yield Methods Diversified Asset Allocations Non-Ponzi Model

Finally a protocol with an infinite runway.

Our payout structure allows for long term passive income as well as significant growth through compounding. Some projects collapse with strong selling volumes... Our treasury gets stronger.

NO Maintenance Fees

Did you ever wonder what your maintenance fees were going towards? Yeah, we did too. Let's face it, it was a money grab and the sole purpose was to try to keep the project afloat a bit longer or to line pockets with zero benefit to the end user. You will not see that here!

No rewards reductions or tax

Music Gods is sustainable and does not depend on reducing payouts in order to survive long term. Anyone who has been around the space very long knows what we are talking about. Our treasury will become more robust with time and compounding. Long term passive is the goal and with our model it is achievable.

Take Profits!!!

Many crypto projects will create the illusion that the only way you are a loyal supporter is to continue to roll profits back into the project. We believe there is a balance to be found between increasing the size of your stake and taking money off of the table. Not only do we not mind if participants take profits... We encourage it!


Details about Our Collection

4000 Unique AI Generated NFTs

Escalating Mint Price = Rising Floor Price

5 Rarity Tiers For Collectability and Utility

4 Types: Vocalist, Drummer, Bassist, Guitarist

Buy and Hold for passive income or Flip? You Choose!

Presale Cost


Last 500